Sunday 2 August 2015

The Migrant's Prayer 2015

May you never see children hungry
May you never hear parents dying
May you never hold out your hand
And plead for help from a turned back.

May you never have hope taken from you
May you never have dignity denied you
May you never hold out your hand
And plead for help from a turned back.

May there always be food on your table
May there always be blankets to warm you
May you never hold out your hand
And plead for help from a turned back.

May your children grow straight and strongly
May they live to be wise and kindly
May they never hold out their hands
And plead for help from a turned back

c. Carol Hedges 2015


  1. Thank you Carol you say what many good decent people feel about all the rethoric and vilification of men, women and children who have suffered more than we can imagine.

  2. Beautiful x
    So sad what's happening 😔

  3. So sad. Perfect and poignant, Carol xx

  4. And please can someone make David Cameron spend just 24hrs in a refugee camp. Without anyone to shine his shoes or put the toothpaste on the brush for him.

  5. Beautifully put. Thank you. I despair at the moment.

  6. Lovely Carol. Its so sad what is happening. Do the british and French governments think those people are doing it for fun?

  7. Brought tears to my eyes. Beautifully said.

  8. Tearful indeed as it should be and shame on all those that don't feel that !


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