Monday, 30 May 2016

Dreaming of Ants (Grandma Moments)

Little G and I are sitting in the garden. It is Thursday, 'Grandma Day' under the new regime. The sun is pouring down, we have a plate of chocolate biscuits between us and Little G is doing maths. She is proving, via visual evidence, that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

When I have wiped unbelievable amounts of chocolate from her face, hands and left ear, we progress to philosophy. 'I cried yesterday,' she tells me. I ask why. 'I was sad.'

Yesterday, Little G returned to nursery as SIL's two week paternity leave finished. But you like nursery, I remind her.  And you know you come home at the end of the day. You don't stay there. She considers this. I don't cry when you go home, I tell her, because I know I will see you again very soon. She agrees that this is probably true.

It strikes me that we never used to have this sort of conversations. Mainly because Little G didn't do 'yesterday'. Or 'sad'. It is another reminder that she is growing up. The cat now joins us, keeping her distance. Little G comes under 'Small Fur Puller' in her list of people to avoid.

How's your baby brother? I ask Little G, to lighten the mood. 'He cries,' she says. Oh well, can't win them all. The cat rolls over in the grass. What do cats dream about? I ask. She considers this for a while. 'Biscuits,' she suggests, eyeing the last one on the plate hopefully. I break it in two. Little G has a propensity to turn into Little Hyde if she ingests too much sugar.

I point out that cats don't speak, so how would they know that a biscuit was a biscuit? Little G finds this concept interesting so we bat it backwards and forwards for a while. It's like your baby brother, I say to reinforce my argument. He doesn't know any words, so what does he dream about? 'Ants,' she replies without hesitation.

I have no answer to this, so we finish our biscuit in companionable silence.


  1. Very, very pleased to see it's going on (especially like Kitteny's appearance). Très grand merci Madame.

    1. thanks M. It may be per title.

    2. frequency is not important as long as it exists.

  2. I agree with Marcus. Little G's reflective mood is a huge new development...rather poignant too!

  3. Oh the logic of children. One of the twins, aged about 3, saw a squashed worm on the pavement. Poorly worm, he said, he need to clean his teeth and go to bed for a bit!

    1. They do become most interesting once they start to speak and reason...

  4. welcome back you two, missed you like crazy...

    1. we will be here on an ad hoc basis! and thank you.

  5. This is such a lovely little scene. I can just picture it. I'm going to try that "cats dream of biscuits" line on my wife and see if she'll buy me some.

  6. I'm still trying to figure out whether sheep dream of electric androids.


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