Tuesday 27 October 2015

Autumn Ambling (Adventures of L-Plate Gran)

Now that Little G is officially walking, and requesting to do it everywhere we go, our routine has taken on new vistas. Admitted they are only at ground level, but it is amazing how much stuff I seem to have missed over the years.

Cracks in pavements are a prime example. Who would have known there were so many? And all equally deserving of a stop followed by long hard stare. I remind myself, as it takes us 15 minutes to cover a distance that previously took 2, that You must be mad at a similar developmental stage had a thing about gates and couldn't pass a gate without touching it.

There are small flowers and weeds growing out of the cracks and in the gaps between buildings. Did you know? You do now. Happy to share. And bits of interesting shiny detritus that is just begging to be picked up and handed over for examination at a later stage.

Last week we found a brand new bright orange comb on our way into town. What riches. Forming our usual small human circle, we peered at it, studied it from various angles, commented on the colour, the resemblance to a carrot and whether it was, as Little G asserted, for cleaning teeth.

Of such is our day. The highlight right now is a walk to our small local park, where the leaves are falling in a profusion of reds, yellows and golden brown. So many colours. So many different shapes. So many leaves to be carefully studied, selected, collected and handed over, to be replaced by other better leaves as they too are discovered lying on the ground.

I am never sure of the criteria, which seem to vary from moment to moment. All I know is that I end the day with a pocket stuffed with what to you might appear to be bits of utter rubbish, but to a small 20 month old is treasure unlimited. And why not?

To be continued ...     ....


  1. This is one of the very best bits of grandparenting - with our own kids it was often so difficult to find the time to enjoy this discovery of the world. Let's hope the weather is kind for the next few months and you find treasures!

  2. All your tips go with me as I spend a day with my youngest grandchild for the first time on Thursday. She is a wobbly walker of 9 months old. *Throws away conkers* this place is good to remind me of my temporary duties *collects leaves*

    1. yes, don't let her collect anything that looks like it might be edible!!

  3. Just delightful. I would love to be the one studying the contents of your pockets at the end of the day.

  4. You do see things from a different prospective when you're with toddlers Carol. My granddaughter collected stones ,she loved them.

    1. I'm just amazed at how much they focus on the most unlikely stuff.


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