BANG!! Ah, you found the box of crackers. No, I don't know what Vampires sing on New Year's Eve..... ''Auld Fang's Syne''. Hahah - love it. OK, while you're attacking the sausage rolls, grabbing a drink and introducing yourself to the other guests, I'll just run through some of the events that made this year so special for me. Please share your special events later.
In February, as part of the BBC Radio 4 'Leap for Leap Year' Project, I had my first tattoo done. Live. On Air. While being interviewed by Eddie Mair and Robert Peston. It's the opening words of Caliban's speech from 'The Tempest'. Didn't appreciate then how appropriate the words would prove to be.

In July, after much toil and travail, I published my first Ebook.

Not forgetting
two very special people without whom this year would have been quite different: Juliet Archer, writer extraordinaire and good personal friend, and Talli Roland, who has patiently steered the Good Ship Hedges through the choppy waters of the social media world.
Also in August I signed up to Twitter @carolJhedges. I found it a bit daunting at first, like joining a new school, but now I have made so many great friends - looking round, I can see loads of them are here at the party, so can we all raise a glass to: Lynn, Hap, Joe, Rosalind, Sooz, Jacy, Anne, Val, the Carols, Jo, Mandy, Richards, Chris, TT,, Bev, Vanessa, Lizzie, Jolene, The Romaniacs,the A-mericans and the Blokes-with-very-plain-blogs (Hahaha). And to all the rest of you of course, too numerous to mention.

Then there was the Public Inquiry in December, closely followed by the big event of the year, which of course, is the wedding of DD. No formal pics yet - but here's one that got taken earlier, on the day she bought her beautiful wedding dress at a charity designer bridal sale for a fraction of what it should have cost.
Ah - I see Ralph has arrived with the music. And Kate's got a tray of lovely cocktails ready. And Andrew's all ready to recite us a Christmas poem. So, if someone would like to push the PINK SOFA over against the wall, let the festivities begin - and a Very Happy Christmas to You All!
A momentous year Carol. I didn't realize that I met you so early in your twitterlife. I'm honored to be included amongst your friends. I love the Pink Sofa and look forward to many more editions. Now enjoy the wedding weekend, and I'll see you on the TL.
ReplyDeleteHap, it has been such fun meeting you - make sure you get some of the mince pies before Kate and Gaargle eat them all!
DeleteWhat a year you've had! I'm still stunned over the tattoo bit! I agree with you about the experience of self publishing being, erm, interesting! Wishing you all kinds of wonderful things in 2013. I've finished all the crisps so I'm off to follow some of the links in your post now.
ReplyDeleteWhaaat? They're not links, just pretty colours? *sulk*
ReplyDeleteSorry - darling! I thought I'd just do a nice blog!! If you follow me, you'll soon come across this lot!!!And I'm sure they'lll love to follow you back. As I do.
DeleteGreat post about great events involving a great lady - because in my eyes that's what you are! Can I come to the party too? It sounds as if it's going to be huge fun!
ReplyDeletePS, will you tell me where I can find your email addy too?
Knock, knock, please can I pop in? I'm afraid I'm new around here and dont know anyone, but thanks for inviting me anyway. I know several other writers and have even proofread a book which was published this year, I'm very much in awe of writers, I would love to be one myself if only I could think of something to say. Oh well, thanks for having me, I'll pop in again during the new year and hope to get to know you better. Shall I pop over to Twitter now and follow you. Hope 2013 is a good one for you, Joy xx
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome Joy!!! Have a cocktail and introduce yourself to everyone - watch out for Lynn's pigeaons - they get everywhere. If you want to follow people on Twitter - check my followers - they're all there! Happy Christmas!
DeleteHi Caro. I made it! SatNav got me safely to Hedges Towers again and even with my zimmer frame I managed to climb the stairs to the Pink Sofa room. Thanks for the invite and by the way where's the chewing gum?
ReplyDeleteI like to add my thanks to everyone who helped me become published with 2 books this year, because many of the people Carol mentioned are also my friends (I'm glad to say!) not the least is Carol herself! So a Happy Christmas and fantastic New Year to everyone. Now lets get down to the serious business. Where's the booze, Carol????
Kate's on the bar (sorry - under the bar) so if you make your way over, there's wine and beer. Help yourself! Thanks for coming. Happy Christmas!
Delete*Wipes tear from eye* What a lovely blog...makes me feel a tad guilty-ish for spilling red wine on the Pink Sofa!..( not to worry..a few pigeon pals pecked it off ). Just need to say that of all the fantastic photographs that will be taken today of DD's wedding, the one shown here holds such natural beauty that it would not be misplaced sitting alongside any of those from the ceremony. I'm sure you're very proud Carol...and rightly so.
ReplyDeleteRegarding my'special events'...well without seeming too syrupy...( as a Gargoyle I do have a certain reputation to withhold! ) discovering twitter has allowed me to do stuff I never believed I would and meeting so many interesting people ( and you Carol )..*smirk*..has been a wonderful bonus which I continue to enjoy. On a final note...hope you have a wonderful Christmas...and thanks Carol for putting the 'titter' into 'twitter'...anyway, must dash Andrew's leading us into a chorus of Slade..'Merry Christmas'.
Haha - didn't I ask you NOT to bring those pigeons? Especially the lap dancing ones? Never listen to a word I say!!!
DeleteCarol, you've achieved so much with this blog in such a short time - and on top of everything else you do! I'm coming to you for lessons. (BTW, our cat has just joined me at the keyboard, so mind those pigeons.)
ReplyDeleteCouldn't have done this without you!! Happy Christmas - I'll warn Lynn about Toulouse!
DeleteWow! What a year. I feel lucky to have tagged onto the end of it. I'm not really a party person but after the first seventeen cocktails I loosen up. So thanks for putting me in charge. I am looking forward to sharing in your adventures in the coming year.p.s thanks for having me :)
ReplyDeleteMine's a Flaming Nuisance - just mix it all up and you've got it !! Hahah
DeleteHello everyone, I have finished this champagne..,you promised me more if I sang, Carol! Oi, where are you all going, COME BACK! My singing voice is very special..least that's what most folk say. Funny how they always back away while saying it though.
ReplyDeleteWell done on the blog, Carol and I hope you have a lovely Christmas and a fantastic wedding too xxx
Just noticed Im a bit late to the party I hope it's still in full swing as I'd love a cocktail with one of those little umbrellas in it. Love your blog Carol and love twittering with you maybe one day we'll talk in person. Your daughter is gorgeous and what a lovely figure she has.
ReplyDeleteNow where's that cocktail ? Merry Christmas!
Here ..passes cocktail. Enjoy! It has been lovely getting to know you!
DeleteCheers for the mention, Miss! Nice review of the year! Can't believe it's only been since August! Seems much longer....!! Hope wedding stuff went well, and I hope to be sitting on the pink sofa at some point in the new year, ahem!! I bet you're worried I'll swear, eh? Love TT x
ReplyDeleteMutual,daft Geordie mate! And yyes, I might let you perch gingeerly on the PINK SOFA next year. You are welcome to swear all you like - I have an EDIT button! Hahaha
DeleteCam Someone Feed the Fish? there is some CHRISTMAS fish food by the tank. And keep that cat away!
DeleteSounds like you have had a brilliant year so far, and who knows what 2013 holds for you...
ReplyDeleteHave a great Christmas, and a happy new year!
Aw, Carol, it has been my pleasure! And I'm amazed how well you've done - and how quickly (not like I doubted it...!).
ReplyDeleteYou deserve all the good things coming your way.
As do you!!!!!
DeleteMerry Christmas and a happy healthy New year to you and yours!
ReplyDeleteFinally Made it Carol! Seems youve had a busy, productive year... and you relatively new to twitterville. happy to have bumped into you on there. Thanks for the invite, sorry im late... seems I missed the pigeons and the slade sing-a-long! Oh well, no matter... here, I bought a bottle! Now, wheres the nibbles? :)
ReplyDeleteOver on the coffee table - just shift that Mandy out of the way - she's trying to pinch all the crisps!
DeleteMerry Christmas, Carol! Hope 2013 brings you more book sales :D
ReplyDeleteNot sure if my comments got lost, or are waiting moderation... but I'll send again in case. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Hope 2013 brings plenty more book sales :D
ReplyDeleteThanks hon - and for you too!!x
DeleteThank you so much for the invite to your party. Sorry I'm a late arrival.
ReplyDeleteGlad 2012 has been good for you and yours (beautiful wedding dress!). I'm sure 2013 will be even better. It was a great pleasure meeting you this year and being invited to sit on the pink sofa and bare all.
What was the upshot of the enquiry, btw, or is it yet to be revealed?
Have a very merry Christmas and a healthy and happy new year. Atb, Gillix
Thanks Gilli! Outcome for future blog, when it happens! Have a lovely Christmas - ooh, watch out, there's a conga line beginning!
DeleteI love parties. Thanks for the invite. It's been a pleasure getting to know you via Twitter too. And what a year you've had. BANG! *Puts paper hat on head* What do you call a reindeer with no eyes? No, I've no idea either! Could I have another mince pie, please? Thanks *sprays crumbs* Happy Christmas.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThank you for inviting me to the party. It was lovely to meet you via twitter this year and have you as guest on the blog, only this week.
ReplyDeleteHere's to 2013!
All best wishes
Awww, I love that wedding dress. Stunning! Mind you, she'd be pretty stunning in anything! Well done on negotiating the Epublishing jungle, Carol. Good luck with everything in the New Year and have a Happy, Peaceful Christmas. Can I have some vanilla custard w/my tart now please? :) xx
ReplyDeleteWell - I WAS saving it...oh go on then, as it's you!
DeleteAh now I thought Ralph was going to be a link to the music....I'll need to get you better here's some here....(but ta for the mention) PAAAAAAARRRRTTTTAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteExcellent!!!! CONGA LINE???????
DeleteYour year sounds like mine! How did we cram so much into one year, yet it felt as if it flew past? With the New Year just around the corner, I just want to wish you all the best with your writing in 2013 and thanks for all the laughs and tweets this year, MERRY CHRISTMAS Sooz x
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful year you've had. Sorry I'm so late to the party - I was away taking a grandson to the panto. is there any cake left?
ReplyDeleteIt's been a great year for you, Carol. So glad we met this year. Here's to an even better 2013!
ReplyDeleteWe have indeed, Kelly! And Jo, there is ALWAYS cake left!
DeleteWonderful party Carol, thanks for inviting me - I'm sorry about the red wine, they say it comes out with lemon juice? Anyway, you have indeed had an amazing year and it is an honour to call you a Twitter friend. Merry Christmas Carol!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Sorry I was late, you gave me the wrong address, I am sure it was an accident - but the Shetlands are really cold in December!
OK, so it's double poem duty for you!! And you can put that mince pie down!
DeleteOk, so I'm the only one who's got nothing better to do on Christmas Day - right? Actually we should have been having parents in law for lunch but they both went down with the norovirus and so we're staying away. Which meant we have a stack of food and drink so we started Christmas a day early!! Now off to a mutual friend's (June Kearns) to drink champagne and toast indie authors - way to go. Have had a great few months and can't believe I've only known you since August, Carol. Am now a member of FFP, too. So I raise a glass o' the swally to ye my guid friend and catch your later. Much love, Lizzie xxx
ReplyDeletePlease tell me it wasn't you who put swally into the fish tank? The fish are all drunk!
DeleteMore sausage rolls please! I've already stuffed my pockets to the brim! :P
ReplyDeleteThanks for including my in your party! How crazy that you got your first tattoo live?! I didn't know that. But I do know that you're a badass so it doesn't really surprise me all that much.
*Holds my champagne glass up high*
Here's to a fantastic year and to new friends as awesome as you Carol! Here's to fantastic writing success for all of us in the new year! Here's to the two of us that have sexy cars! Happy New Year!
Anbd to you, Jolene (x4)
DeleteMade it!
ReplyDelete:-)))) xx
What a great party, Carol! Thanks for having me here. x