Right then. Carol's
off doing very important granny things, so she's asked me to hold the fort - or
rather hold the turret up here in the ivory magnificence of Hedges Towers.
It's just you, me and
the Pink Sofa. That's right. So...now we've snuggled up together, I'm going to
tell you all a story. Yes, a proper story.
Now...many of you know
I spend an inordinate amount of time sploshing about in boats and talking to
the ducks. Indeed, I've spent so much time doing this, I've even managed to
write two books about it, so it'll come as quite a surprise to you all to know
that I loathe being wet, detest being cold and the worst thing of all is a
combination of the two. So yes, you've got it. I...do...not...like...swimming.
At all! But you live on a barge, I hear you say. Very true, I reply, but I live
on it and in it, not under or around it. That's for the ducks. Not me.
So...my story is about
the time I got arrested by the Water
Politie for supposedly trying to hurl myself off a bridge in Rotterdam. Now
keep what I have just told you about my predilection for keeping dry and this
will make you laugh. It still has me chuckling and it's twelve years down the
The way it went was
this: When I first came to Rotterdam, my erstwhile husband and I (sounds like
the queen doesn't it? Only hers isn't erstwhile - not yet anyway. Neither is
mine, actually. He's just not mine anymore) decided to buy a barge to fix up.
Which we did. A very beautiful and graceful one it was too.
Now he and a few
others went off to collect said barge from a harbour in Amsterdam, but because
I had to go to work, I couldn't go too. The arrangement was that they would let
me know when and at what time they were approaching Rotterdam and I would go
down to the river to see them in. The other part of the plan was that they
would pull in close to the river wall before sailing into the harbour, and I
would jump on board and do the last half a kilometre with them - just for the
fun of it.
Well that was all well
and good as a plan. In practice, it didn't happen that way.
The thing is it was
late November, so the evenings were dark. Added to that, my husband and his
crew were late. By the time I got the call to go down to the river, it was
already about eight o'clock. And very cold.
So, I wrapped up warm,
but just in case I emptied all my pockets of anything of value. I was going to
jump on board the barge, see, so I thought I'd better not have anything that I
didn't want to lose just in case I dropped it or things fell out of my pockets.
Please note that at no
time whatsoever did I think of anything like going swimming either accidentally
or on purpose.
So, off I
trekked down to the riverside. I found my way to the appointed place, a
quayside next to the harbour entrance (see pic - Imagine me on opposite bank),
and there I waited - in the dark.
It was pretty darn
cold, I have to say, so I started pacing up and down on the quay, every now and
then peering over the edge to see if I could see any barge lights approaching.
Nix, nada, nothing. Not for ages. I waited and waited and paced and paced.
But then I did see
some lights. A boat was coming hurtling towards me at great speed. As it
approached, I saw it was a police launch. Then I saw another one and they both
seemed to be inordinately interested in me. I was a bit worried. Maybe they
thought I was - you know - a lady of ill repute. I tried moving along the quay,
but they followed me. And then back again. Then after walking away from the
side a bit, I noticed they just stayed put, which unnerved me even more. Why oh
why were they watching me?
After playing 'follow
me' up and down the quay for a few more minutes, I decided enough was enough.
Our new barge was nowhere in sight, so I thought I'd better just go back to the
harbour and wait there. Anything was better than this rather disturbing
standoff. I waving jauntily at the water cops (hoping they'd be happy to see me
go), backed up the steps quickly, ran across the road and headed back along one
of the harbours.
No sooner had I
gone fifty yards or so, than a couple of police vans came screaming up the road
towards me. Then another one came from behind and blow me down, a whole
regiment of policeman leapt out and grabbed my arms.
The ensuing
conversation was too bizarre for words:
"Good evening,
mevrouw," said one. "Can I see your ID?"
"Why?" said
"Well, mevrouw,
we had a report from a bus driver that a woman was trying to jump off the
"Really? Well
that wasn't me."
"But you were
there, yes?"
"Yes, but I was
waiting for someone...coming by boat."
"By boat."
Note cop's first cynical grin.
"Yes." Note
my earnest affirmation.
"So why were you
waiting there for a boat, mevrouw, there's no, how you say, jetty there."
"No," said
I, "I was going to ju...."
Oops. Better shut up now.
"You were going
to what?"
"Erm, I was going
to...er...join them on board."
"Where is your
ID, mevrouw?
"I'm sorry, I
don't have it with me because I was going to ju..... join them, that's
it...join them...and I didn't want to risk ...."
Note cop's second
cynical grin.
"And you weren't
going to jump in the river?"
"No. It's
true," I said. "Look," I went on frustrated now, "Anyone
who knows me will tell you I'd never do that. Never!"
"But we don't
know you, mevrouw, and the bus driver said..."
"Look, I don't care what he said. Why
don't I phone my husband and you can speak to him. He'll tell you. I would
NEVER do that!"
"Do you have a
phone, mevrouw?"
left it at home...with my ID..."
"Because you were
NOT going to jump in the river. Is that right mevrouw?" I blushed.
By this time I was
surrounded by about ten policeman, all vying with each other to hold on to me
and make sure I didn't make a break for it and hurl myself into the adjacent
canal. If only they'd known. I would never, ever, top myself that way. Far too
cold, wet and uncomfortable.
But in the end,
though, one of them had a phone and
so I was able to give him my husband's number to call. I wasn't allowed to
speak to him myself. Oh no. They had to do it. Hubby, of course, thought it was
an absolute hoot, and nearly got me locked up for a lark, but in the end, he
confirmed my story.
Apparently he'd come into the harbour from the other end,
but he'd forgotten to tell me. Brilliant eh? The upside was that the police
gave me a lift to the harbour, still not really trusting that I wasn't going to
go late night skinny dipping.
So this, friends, was
my baptism into the world of the Oude Haven. Fortunately for the cops and for
me, it wasn't a wet one, but I'll never forget that's how it all began.
Okay, Carol's fans,
story time is over. The Pink Sofa and I are now going to partake of some tea
and cheesecake - pink cheesecake - but if any of you would like to read some
more of my stories about life in the Oude Haven, click on the link below. My two
books, Watery Ways and my new release, Harbour Ways are full of anecdotes from
my barging life.
Here's my blog too:
And my twitter handle
is https://twitter.com/vallypee
Great story Val! Gave me a good laugh and shows truth can be stranger than fiction.
ReplyDeleteIn my case, that's normal, Chris :) Thank you!
DeleteThank you Val for affording me quite a hearty titter at the expense of your misfortune!...:D
ReplyDeleteIt's also given me more than a few retrospective chuckles over the years, Lynn :-)
DeleteBrilliant, Val. Thanks. As a fellow-cold-water-hater, I love it. And at least snuggling up to you on the sofa, I'm less likely to get a slap.
ReplyDeleteYes, Francis, I am only eccentric…. :-D
DeleteAh but the politie know that all live-aboards are mental (I speak as a recovering live-aboard) Lovely story. Must stay in touch.
ReplyDeleteHaha, so true Ailsa! I'd love to stay in touch.
DeleteHow fab is this, Val's been allowed to play on the Pink Sofa!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jo. It's been lovely to be here!
DeleteVery good!!!! It's funny how behaviour that seems like such a normal thing to onself can make you appear so odd to some...!!! I always feel like the queen when I say 'my husband and I', too....!
ReplyDeleteThanks Terry. It always feels strange saying that…very posh!
DeleteYes Val, great story, I;d just like to add that I've read Watery Ways and am just finishing Harbour Ways, and both are absolutely excellent, feelgood reads, full of humour and warmth, and also (what I like) practical things like the difficulties of welding and plumbing. If you like the above, buy her books, you won;t regret it.
ReplyDeleteHumble thanks, Geoff! Really so glad you have enjoyed my books!
DeleteThat phrase 'Life is how you see it' is better put 'Life is how you portray it' We have saying in our family 'There's always a story' it's what keeps going at gatherings. Loved your story thank you for sharing it with us.
DeleteHaha, so true! That's probably where I got my 'training' - in a big family, there's always someone with a yarn about something that's happened to them. Thank you and I'm really glad you enjoyed it!
DeleteApart from being very funny, it must have been quite scary for you surrounded by all those big official blokes. Glad you managed to convince them in the end :-)
ReplyDeleteYou're right, Ros, it was quite alarming at the time. Hindsight has a much funnier face :)
DeleteThanks for the laugh. Hope you found a way to get back at your erstwhile husband! (that's for another story?!?).
ReplyDeleteYes, Diane :-) And I'm glad you enjoyed it!
DeleteVal that was even funnier than you falling in the water after having a nice warm bath.
ReplyDeleteHaha, Anne, I still have a few stories in store! That was one of the funniest, though, but it was pre-Watery Ways, so didn't quite made it into the books :-) Maybe I'll write a collection of them some time as a supplement!